I'm developing a messaging iOS app, where a user can send the same message to multiple people. The message is saved in firebase storage. I want to only enable the users who have been sent the message to be able to read it from storage. I am already implementing this rule structure in my firebase database.
In order to implement this for storage I add a list of uids to the message file customMetadata, including a fromUid key for the person who composed the message. I do the following in my iOS app:
var metadataValues = [String:String]()
for friendUid in friendsSelected.keys {
metadataValues.updateValue(friendUid, forKey: friendUid) // how do I access these values in my security rules
metadataValues.updateValue(senderUid, forKey: "fromUid") // how do I access this in security rules
let messageMetadata = FIRStorageMetadata()
messageMetadata.customMetadata = metadataValues
This was my attempt for my read and write security rules for the messages node in Firebase Storage but it doesn't work and the documentation is of no help.
match /messages/{messageId} {
allow read: if request.auth.uid == resource.metadata.request.auth.uid; // I want all friend uids to be able to read file
allow write: if request.auth.uid == resource.metadata.fromUid; // only the person who create the message can access it
My attempt doesn't work. How do I access the customMetadata variable with the keys 'fromUid' and the friends uids 'request.auth.uid' in my security rules??
As a sidenote, I assume there is no limit on how many keys I add to customMetadata?