I want to use microcontrollers for communicating data by SPI. So, I have chosen firstly the Microchip USB Starter Kit III module which has a PIC32MX470F512L. I tried several ways to code its SPI, but only the clock signal SCK can be seen on an oscilloscope.
Then, i tried the same code (just adjusted a few code lines to the new PIC) with the Microchip Starter Kit I which has a PIC32MX360F512L. And all run perfectly. So, i don't understand why the USB Starter Kit III doesn't work for SPI communication?
I give you the code used to test the SPI SDO & /SS.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <plib.h>
#include <p32xxxx.h>
#include <xc.h>
#include <peripheral/spi.h>
#pragma config FPLLIDIV = DIV_2 // PLL Input Divider (12x Divider)
#pragma config FPLLMUL = MUL_20 // PLL Multiplier (24x Multiplier)
#pragma config FPLLODIV = DIV_1 // System PLL Output Clock Divider (PLL Divide by 256)
#pragma config FNOSC = PRIPLL // Oscillator Selection Bits (Primary Osc w/PLL (XT+,HS+,EC+PLL))
#pragma config FSOSCEN = OFF // Secondary Oscillator Enable (Disabled)
#pragma config IESO = ON // Internal/External Switch Over (Enabled)
#pragma config POSCMOD = HS // Primary Oscillator Configuration (HS osc mode)
#pragma config OSCIOFNC = OFF // CLKO Output Signal Active on the OSCO Pin (Disabled)
#pragma config FPBDIV = DIV_1 // Peripheral Clock Divisor (Pb_Clk is Sys_Clk/8)
#pragma config FCKSM = CSDCMD // Clock Switching and Monitor Selection (Clock Switch Disable, FSCM Disabled)
#pragma config WDTPS = PS1048576 // Watchdog Timer Postscaler (1:1048576)
#pragma config FWDTEN = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable (WDT Disabled (SWDTEN Bit Controls))
#pragma config DEBUG = OFF // Background Debugger Enable (Debugger is Enabled)
#pragma config ICESEL = ICS_PGx2 // ICE/ICD Comm Channel Select (Communicate on PGEC1/PGED1)
#pragma config PWP = OFF // Program Flash Write Protect (Disable)
#pragma config BWP = OFF // Boot Flash Write Protect bit (Protection Disabled)
#pragma config CP = OFF // Code Protect (Protection Disabled)
int main(void) {
TRISGbits.TRISG6=0; //SCK2
TRISGbits.TRISG7=1; //SDI2
TRISGbits.TRISG8=0; //SDO2
TRISGbits.TRISG9=0; //SS2
int data;
PORTGbits.RG9 = 1;
PORTGbits.RG9 = 0;
PORTGbits.RG9 = 1;
return 0;