Following is the cassandra table schema :
CREATE TABLE my_table ( year text, month text, day text, hour int, min int, sec int, PRIMARY KEY ((year, month, day), hour, min, sec) )
If i run following query using cassandra cql it works:
SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE year ='2017' and month ='01' and day ='16' and (hour,min,sec) > (1,15,0) LIMIT 200
However, when i run same query using spark-cassandra connector it does not work:"org.apache.spark.sql.cassandra").options(map).load()
.where(year ='2017' and month ='01' and day ='16' and (hour,min,sec) >= (1,15,0)");
I am getting following exception in logs:
> Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException:
> cannot resolve '(struct(`hour`, `min`, `sec`) >= struct(1, 15, 0))'
> due to data type mismatch: differing types in '(struct(`hour`, `min`,
> `sec`) >= struct(1, 15, 0))' and (struct<hour:int,min:int,sec:int>
> struct<col1:int,col2:int,col3:int>).; line 1 pos 96
Spark-cassandra-connector version:2.0.0-M3
Any help is much appreciated
and hour >= 1 and min >= 15 and sec >=0
because this worked for my scenerio. – Akash Sethi