
how i can find the document with $match on position 3 (only last item in array "ndr"). It is necessary that the aggreation search only in the last array-item of ndr.

    "_id" : ObjectId("58bd5c63a3d24b4a2e4cde03"),
    "name" : "great document",
    "country" : "us_us",
    "cdate" : ISODate("2017-03-06T12:56:03.405Z"),
    "nodes" : [ 
            "node" : 3244343,
            "name" : "Best Node ever",
            "ndr" : [ 
                    "position" : 7,
                    "cdate" : ISODate("2017-03-06T10:55:20.000Z")
                    "position" : 3,
                    "cdate" : ISODate("2017-03-06T10:55:20.000Z")

I need this result after aggregation

    "name" : "great document",
    "country" : "us_us",
    "cdate" : ISODate("2017-03-06T12:56:03.405Z"),
    "nodes" : [ 
            "node" : 3244343,
            "name" : "Best Node ever",
            "ndr" : [ 
                    "position" : 3,
                    "cdate" : ISODate("2017-03-06T10:55:20.000Z")

I hope anyone can help me.

Hi Josch, and welcome to Stack Overflow. Can you edit your question to show what you've tried so far, and what's going wrong with it?Vince Bowdren
What's your MongoDB server version?chridam
I have version MongoDB Version 3.4Josch

2 Answers


You can try below aggregation with Mongo 3.4 version.

The below query finds the last item (-1) using $arrayElemAt operator in the ndr array and stores the variable in last using $let operator for each nodes and compare the last variable position value using $$ notation to 3 and wraps the nbr element within array [] if entry found and else returns empty array.

$map operator to reach nbr array inside the nodes array and project the updated nbr array while mapping the rest of nodes fields.

$addFields stage will overwrite the existing nodes with new nodes while keeping the all the other fields.

    $addFields: {
        nodes: {
            $map: {
                input: "$nodes",
                as: "value",
                in: {
                    node: "$$value.node",
                    name: "$$value.name",
                    ndr: {
                        $let: {
                            vars: {
                                last: {
                                    $arrayElemAt: ["$$value.ndr", -1]
                            in: {
                                $cond: [{
                                        $eq: ["$$last.position", 3]


You can try $redact which will keep the whole document if it finds the matching position from with the given filter.

$map to project the true, false values based on the filter for each of the nodes nbr position value and $anyElementTrue will inspect the previous boolean values for each doc and return a true or false value and $redact will use the booelan value from above comparison; true value to keep and false value to remove the document.

    $redact: {
        $cond: [{
            $anyElementTrue: {
                $map: {
                    input: "$nodes",
                    as: "value",
                    in: {
                        $let: {
                            vars: {
                                last: {
                                    $arrayElemAt: ["$$value.ndr", -1]
                            in: {
                                $cond: [{
                                        $eq: ["$$last.position", 3]
        }, "$$KEEP", "$$PRUNE"]

you will need to unwind both nested arrays.

      { $unwind: '$nodes' },
      { $unwind: '$nodes.ndr'},
      { $group: {'_id':{'_id':'$_id', 'nodeID', '$nodes.node' },
      { $match : { nodes.ndr.position: 3 } }

From here you can reassemble the aggregate results with a $group on the and do a projection. I'm not sure what your ultimate end result should be.