
I want to run the flink cluster with High-availability mode. Hence I have made the setting as per JobManager High Availability into flink configuration files. When I start the zookeeper quorum by using start-zookeeper-quorum.sh, I am able to start two zookeerper servers(peers) on two machines. but when I start the flink cluster with 2 JobManagers, I get the message as Service temporarily unavailable due to an ongoing leader election. Please refresh. on web UI of flink.

What does this massage means? Is there a way to notify the leader in configuration file?


1 Answers


The problem is with your zookeeper installation. Your zk nodes can not choose a leader. Also number of two nodes is not the best choice. You should have at least 3 instances or other greater odd number.

You should check the admin docs of Zookeeper for instance here