In my sample Angular 2 application , I am using ngrx/store to implement redux design pattern.
I have implemented CanActivate guard in my application and below is the related code
canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, router: RouterStateSnapshot): Observable<boolean> {;
// HOW TO RETURN value ??
And below are the relevant actions
export function canActivate(): Action {
return {
type: UserActionTypes.CAN_ACTIVATE,
export function canActivateSuccess(canActivateResponse: any): Action {
return {
type: UserActionTypes.CAN_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS,
And below is the relevant reducer code
case UserActionTypes.CAN_ACTIVATE_SUCCESS:
return Object.assign({}, action.payload);
and below is the relevant effects code
@Effect() canActivate$ = this.actions$
(action) => this.userService.canActivate()
.map(response => canActivateSuccess)
My question is , canActivate guard should return Observable of boolean , but whether to return true or false , will be known only within canActivateSuccess function/action , in that case how should I return a value from canActivate guard.