So I'm using a playbook based on group_vars, which are used for giving IIS settings for a wide variety of websites.
The group_vars consist of 2 main dicts (one of them containing complex lists of dicts of lists of dicts.)
The complex one has references to vars from firstdict in Jinja2 (e.g. {{ firstdic.sitename }})
This works perfectly with group_vars, references are resolved by the jinja2 engine in Ansible. But when it comes to a dynamic inventory, the whole dict is unset when referencing vars from the first dict.
Here comes some JSON (as from my dynamic inventory) :
"firstdict": { "sitename": "mysitename" }
"complexdict": {"someotherdict": {"sitepath": "{{ firstdict.sitename }}"}}
When using this JSON, the debug module would find that complexdict is not defined.
However, the jinja2 part is correctly parsed and executed as this would work.
Dynamic inventory input :
"complexdict": {"someotherdict": {"sitepath": "{{ \"foo\" }}"}}
Debug module returning :
"complexdict": {
"someotherdict": {
"sitepath": "foo"
Is there a variable precedence problem ? Anything else I should know why it could not work like this ?
Thanks for your help, Ansible masters :)
PS : I've already tried empiric escaping a lot, escaping curly braces, double-quotes, and so on.