I have a basic question about YARN "Fair Scheduler". According to the definition of "Fair Scheduler- Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to applications such that all apps get, on average, an equal share of resources over time".
Following is my understanding and question.
(1) If multiple applications are running on YARN then it will make sure that all the applications will get more or less equal share of resources over a period of time.
(2) My question is if in YARN this property has set to true then does it make any difference if we use following configurations while submitting spark-submit?
(i) driver-memory
(ii) executor-memory
(iii) num-executors
(iv) executor-cores
What will happen if I mention these conf parameters while using spark-submit? Will these parameters be accepted and resource will be allocated as per the request or these conf parameters will simply be ignored and the spark application will be allocated some default amount of resource by YARN based on fair scheduling.
Kindly let me know if any other clarification is needed for this question. Thanks