In Software Foundations IndProp.v
one is asked to prove the pigeonhole principle, and one may use excluded middle, but it is mentioned that it is not strictly necessary. I've been trying to prove it without EM, but my brain seems to be wired classically.
Q: How would one prove the theorem without using excluded middle? How should one generally approach proofs for types without decidable equality, where one can't easily reason by cases?
I'd be very happy for a complete proof to look at, but please avoid posting it "in the clear", so as to not spoil the exercise in the Software Foundations course.
The definition uses two inductive predicates, In
and repeats
Require Import Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.
Section Pigeon.
Variable (X:Type).
Implicit Type (x:X).
Fixpoint In x l : Prop := (*** In ***)
match l with
| nil => False
| (x'::l') => x' = x \/ In x l'
Hypothesis in_split : forall x l, In x l -> exists l1 l2, l = l1 ++ x :: l2.
Hypothesis in_app: forall x l1 l2, In x (l1++l2) <-> In x l1 \/ In x l2.
Inductive repeats : list X -> Prop := (*** repeats ***)
repeats_hd l x : In x l -> repeats (x::l)
| repeats_tl l x : repeats l -> repeats (x::l).
Theorem pigeonhole_principle_NO_EM: (*** pigeonhole ***)
forall l1 l2,
length l2 < length l1 -> (* There are more pigeons than nests *)
(forall x, In x l1 -> In x l2) -> (* All pigeons are in some nest *)
repeats l1. (* Thus, some pigeons share nest *)
(* ??? *)
, either the constructorhere!
. How would one do that in Coq? (When I do i.e.inversion pr
I don't get any information about which constructor was used to constructpr
, see – larsr