The task I want to achieve is to replicate Photoshop RGB to LAB conversion.
For simplicity, I will describe what I did to extract only the L Channel.
Extracting Photoshop's L Channel
Here is RGB Image which includes all RGB colors (Please click and download):
In order to extract Photoshop's LAB what I did is the following:
- Loaded the image into Photoshop.
- Set Mode to LAB.
- Selected the L Channel in the Channel Panel.
- Set Mode to Grayscale.
- Set mode to RGB.
- Saved as PNG.
This is the L Channel of Photoshop (This is exactly what seen on screen when L Channel is selected in LAB Mode):
sRGB to LAB Conversion
My main reference is Bruce Lindbloom great site.
Also known is that Photoshop is using D50 White Point in its LAB Mode (See also Wikipedia's LAB Color Space Page).
Assuming the RGB image is in sRGB format the conversion is given by:
sRGB -> XYZ (White Point D65) -> XYZ (White Point D50) -> LAB
Assuming data is in Float within the [0, 1] range the stages are given by:
- Transform sRGB into XYZ.
The conversion Matrix is given by RGB -> XYZ Matrix (See sRGB D65). - Converting from XYZ D65 to XYZ D50
The conversion is done using Chromatic Adaptation Matrix. Since the previous step and this are Matrix Multiplication they can be combined into one Matrix which goes from sRGB -> XYZ D50 (See the bottom of RGB to XYZ Matrix). Note that Photoshop uses Bradford Adaptation Method. - Convert from XYZ D50 to LAB
The conversion is done using the XYZ to LAB Steps.
Since, for start, I'm only after the L Channel things are a bit simpler. The images are loaded into MATLAB and converted into Float [0, 1] range.
This is the code:
%% Setting Enviorment Parameters
INPUT_IMAGE_RGB = 'RgbColors.png';
%% Loading Data
mImageRgb = im2double(imread(INPUT_IMAGE_RGB));
mImageLPhotoshop = im2double(imread(INPUT_IMAGE_L_PHOTOSHOP));
mImageLPhotoshop = mImageLPhotoshop(:, :, 1); %<! All channels are identical
%% Convert to L Channel
mImageLMatlab = ConvertRgbToL(mImageRgb, 1);
%% Display Results
title('L Channel - Photoshop');
title('L Channel - MATLAB');
Where the function ConvertRgbToL()
is given by:
function [ mLChannel ] = ConvertRgbToL( mRgbImage, sRgbMode )
OFF = 0;
ON = 1;
RGB_TO_Y_MAT = [0.2225045, 0.7168786, 0.0606169]; %<! D50
Y_CHANNEL_THR = 0.008856;
% sRGB Compensation
if(sRgbMode == ON)
vLinIdx = mRgbImage < 0.04045;
mRgbImage(vLinIdx) = mRgbImage(vLinIdx) ./ 12.92;
mRgbImage(~vLinIdx) = ((mRgbImage(~vLinIdx) + 0.055) ./ 1.055) .^ 2.4;
% RGB to XYZ (D50)
mY = (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(1) .* mRgbImage(:, :, RED_CHANNEL_IDX)) + (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(2) .* mRgbImage(:, :, GREEN_CHANNEL_IDX)) + (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(3) .* mRgbImage(:, :, BLUE_CHANNEL_IDX));
vYThrIdx = mY > Y_CHANNEL_THR;
mY3 = mY .^ (1 / 3);
mLChannel = ((vYThrIdx .* (116 * mY3 - 16.0)) + ((~vYThrIdx) .* (903.3 * mY))) ./ 100;
As one could see the results are different.
Photoshop is much darker for most colors.
Anyone knows how to replicate Photoshop's LAB conversion?
Anyone can spot issue in this code?
Thank You.
and similar functions? – horchler