
I am new to azure, so i just started with sending push notification by portal, i did below steps and i got fail to get notification in android device while i got success notification with Outtcome:{0 passed, 0 failed) like below picture.

enter image description here

i made a blank android app and by which i got server key that is perfectly working because i test it by http://pushtry.com/

how can i solve my problem please can anyone help me....

Have you tried going through Sending push notifications to Android with Azure Notification Hubs? Once you go through the tutorial, try the test send from the portal, it should work.Nikita R.
@ Nikita G thanks i try it.. (y)Vishal Solanki
@Nikita G, I have a blank app, so in that link a point is there(Connect your app to the notification hub) after connecting with GCM, so should my blank app follow that steps to Connect your app to the notification hub ? or is it fine without it ?Vishal Solanki
i mean i have already a blank app and i want to send push notification by that blank app so can i do it with that or i have to make a new blank app which should be configured with azure notification hub as shown in that link point(Connect your app to the notification hub) ?Vishal Solanki

1 Answers


Yes, you should follow that steps to connect your app to the notification hub.

Currently, Google is migrating from the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) platform to Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

At this point, you can send push notifications to Android app with the Azure portal.