My Hadoop Cluster works batch job for every data at 11:00.
The job creates hive table partition(ex. p_date=201702,p_domain=0) and import rdbms data to the hive table partition like ETL....(hive table is not external table)
but the job has failed, and i removed some hdfs file(the partition location => p_date=20170228,p_domain=0) for reprocess.
It is my mistake, i just a typing query for drop partition at beeline...
And i contact a hang when i query this way "select * from table_name where p_date=20170228,p_domain=0", But "select * from table_name where p_date=20170228,p_domain=6" is success.
I can not find a error log and console message is not appear
How can i solve this problem?
And i hope you understand my lack of english.