As MartynA says, there is no dynamic array type in Turbo Pascal. You need to manually allocate memory using pointers, and be careful if you use rangechecks.
Typically you define an array type
TArrayT = array[0.. ((65535-spillbytes) div sizeof(T))-1] of T;
where spillbytes is a constant for a small deduction because you can't use the whole 64k, see what the compiler accepts. (Probably this deduction is for heapmanager structures inside the 64k block)
Then you define a pointer
PArrayT= ^TArrayT;
and a variable to it
P : PArrayT;
and you allocate nrelement elements using getmem;
getmem(P,SizeOf(T) * nrelements);
and optionally fill them with zero to initialize them:
fillchar(p^,SizeOf(T) * nrelements,#0);
You can access elements using
to free them, use freemem using the exact opposite of the getmem line.
Which means you have to save the allocated number of elements somewhere. This was fixed/solved in Delphi and FPC.
Also keep in mind that you can't find bugs with rangechecking anymore.
If you want arrays larger than 64k, that is possible, but only with constraints, and it matters more which exact TP target (dos, dos-protected or Windows you use) I advise you to search for the online SWAG archive that has many examples. And of course I would recommend to go to FreePascal/Lazarus too where you can simply do:
var x : array of t;
and be done with it without additional lines and forget about all of this nonsense.