I am using MATLAB R2015a. I have defined a grid which is basically a matrix that stores the latitudes of the grid points in the first column and the longitudes of the grid points in the second column I have some data for energy of an earthquake for a region stored in a column vector where each element corresponds to the energy at the corresponding grid point. I have done a surface plot using this code (here e_lat and e_long are the first and second columns of the grid matrix respectively):-
function [b] = cumulative_plot( beam, e_lat,e_long, t_start, t_end)
%CUMULATIVE_PLOT Plots the cumulative energy of the earthquake
%% Input Arguments
% *beam* - Energy for each time increment (columns) for each grid point (rows)
% *e_lat* - Vector containing Latitudes of the grid points
% *e_long* - Vector containing Longitudes of the grid points
% *t_start* - starting time
% *t_end* - ending time
% *t_start* and *t_end* define the time window within which the energy is
% to be considered
%% Code
b = [];
b = sum(beam(:,t_start:t_end)')'; % Adding the energy within the time window
b = b./max(b); % Normalising
fn = 'cumulative_energy.txt';
f = fopen(fn,'w');
for i=1:length(e_lat)
fprintf(f,'%f %f %f \n',e_long(i),e_lat(i),b(i));
energy_surf = fit([e_long,e_lat],b, 'loess');
hold on;
plot3(73.6400 ,34.5239 ,20,'s','MarkerSize',20,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','k')
hold on;
shading interp
box off
title(['Cumu Energy(0.05 - 0.2 Hz) at seconds = ' num2str(t_start )],'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',15,'FontName','Times');
This is an example (the actual data that I am processing):-
I want to make a contour plot of this energy data on a geographic map of the region specified. Is this possible?
To give a better idea, this is what I have right now :-
And this is kind of what I want to achieve (without the purple circular markers and other things. Just the base energy) :-