In the following scene, I'm trying to understand why after clicking the sphere to switch cameras and cursors (via.removeAttribute/.setAttribute) still seems to swap back even if I click outside the sphere--even though the scene inspector shows no cursor or raycaster on firstCursorEl to cause the ghost click event. The test scene's at, let me know if I'm missing something important! (jhsu mentioned needing to bind render-target-loaded to wait for a loaded canvas element if .removeAttribute('cursor') was called on-init, but I'm assuming that doesn't need to happen on-click.) Here's what the entity HTML given by the inspector looks like after a swap, if it helps:
<a-entity print-onenter="" id="firstCursorEl" mixin="avatarCursor"></a-entity>
<a-entity print-onenter="" mixin="avatarCursor" id="secondCursorEl" raycaster="" cursor=""></a-entity>
Where firstCursorEl is a child of the starter camera, and secondCursorEl a child of the camera we swap to. Since secondCursorEl's cursor/raycaster are aimed away from the swap-button-sphere (unless they're somehow out of sync with the camera gaze's direction?), and firstCursorEl seems to have no such components, how does it still swap back?