I have succefully setup solr cloud using this article SolrCloud – 2 Nodes Solr, 1 Node ZK Setup . Earlier i used solr and inside solr i created a folder name "TestSolr" with in that i have folder and files like conf,data,core.properties etc. Within conf folder i have created a file db-data-config.xml and put configuration with db and query which is injecting data in solr successfully.
<dataSource name="jdbc" driver="com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver" url="jdbc:db2://" user="db2" password="db2" />
<entity name="VIEWOne" pk="ID" query="select * from SERVEIT.VIEWONE"/>
There is also a file name managed-schema where i am giving fields entry.
But now working with solr cloud i have made two shards node1 and node2. Now not getting idea where to do db configuration and where to write query. Do i need to do it on both the shards or only in one. Does i need to make files db-data config.xml and managed schema as i made in solr. Not getting any idea of doing db configuration and executing above query. Please help