VBA Noob here. I take my python programming notes in a word document since I can import images into it and align/format text quickly. Any code pasted into this document comes up as a spelling error. I'm trying to find a way to ignore spelling errors within a selected text area so I don't have to deal with ignoring each spelling error line of code individually. I don't want to turn off spell check in the document.
Ideally, I'd able to write a macro that read:
Selection.ShowSpellingErrors = True
but ShowSpellingErrors() can only be used with ActiveDocument. I was able to a record a macro that ignored spelling errors with:
Selection.LanguageID = wdEnglishUS
Selection.NoProofing = True
However, any new text I type into this also doesn't get proofed, which is something I don't want. I want to be able to write new text and see any errors I make. Thanks for any help!