
How to query multiple users from LDAP.

I am using DirContext.search(base,filter,scope); in my java program

as of now its working fine with one value filter. filter=("uid=name")

but my requirement is to pass multiple names to the filter at a time like

filter=("uid=name1,name2,name3....")  .
Possible duplicate of Ldap filter multiple UIDsBeck Yang

1 Answers


LDAP uses a "PREFIX" notation for its filters.

For example:

OR condition


AND condition


In your case, the filter criteria will be this:

filter = "(|(uid=name1)(uid=name2)(uid=name3))"

The above filter means:

Find any user who has uid=name1 OR uid=name2 OR uid=name3.

This should list you users whose user IDs are name1, name2 or name3.

More Exmples:

Equality: (attribute=abc) , e.g. (&(objectclass=user)(displayName=JohnDoe))

Negation: (!(attribute=abc)) , e.g. (!objectClass=group)

Presence: (attribute=*) , e.g. (mailNickName=*)

Absence: (!(attribute=*)) , e.g. (!proxyAddresses=*)

Greater than: (attribute>=abc) , e.g. (storageQuota>=100000)

Less than: (attribute<=abc) , e.g. (storageQuota<=100000)

Proximity: (attribute~=abc) , e.g. (displayName~=JohnDoe)

*(~= may not be compatible with all directory servers !!)

Wildcards: e.g. (sn=J*) or (mail=*@example.com) or (givenName=*John*)

Hope this helps!