this answer will help to do your task in odoo version 10.
In order to get the track the **Create Tasks From Sales Orders**
you follow the following steps.
Step : 1 Install the required applications / Configuration
Install the 3 following app
1. Sales Management
2. Project management
3. Time-sheet management
Step : 2 Create and set up a product
Note :
Now in case to of the service product unit of the measurement is used in hours. to configure that go to
Go to Configuration -> Settings -> Unit of measures -> check the
Some products may be sold/purchased in different unit of measures
(advanced) radio button)
Now , create the product with following details
To create the product Go to the Sales -> Product -> Create
- Name: Service Contract
- Product Type: Service
- Unit of Measure: Hours
as this all are the general setup shown on Image below
Next configure Track Service:
You will found this under Sales -> Sales -> Product -> Invoice ->
Select Create a task and track hours.
Note :
- Link your task to an existing project or create a new one on the fly if the product is specific to one project. Otherwise, you can
leave it blank, odoo will then create a project per SO.
- as your product is a service invocable by hours you have to set the units of measures of the product to hours as well.
Step : 3 Create the Sales Order
Once the product is set up, you can create a quotation or a sale order
with the related product. Once the quotation is confirmed and
transformed into a sale order, the task will be created.
Step : 4 Access the task generated from the sale order
On the Project module, your new task will appear :
either on a related project if you have selected one in the product form
either on a new project with the name of related the sale order as title
(you can easily change the name of the project by clicking on More ->
as shown in below image.