
I'm building website that is able to sell and buy product inside the website. Users can post product and buy product from others. Only remain thing is to integrate with payment gateway. I'm going to use stripe for payment gateway. Is it possible to do that with stripe? Which is the best way to implement this? The website was built in Laravel 5.4.

Yes. Laravel already has a full implementation of Stripe for you. It's called Cashier. laravel.com/docs/5.4/billingEddyTheDove
Is it possible to send money to seller directly?Fred Lopes
When user buy product from other user, he should pay fee to website owner. Is it possible? Would you please let me know how can I implement this correctly.Fred Lopes
Check my answer for all the links you need.EddyTheDove
Since Cashier does not handle marketplace-like website (aka Stripe Connect). You could use this package for your need: github.com/rap2hpoutre/laravel-stripe-connectrap-2-h

1 Answers


Yes, you can use Stripe for that. Taking advantage of Laravel Cashier. They've already implemented some logic that you can reuse.

Second, you want to pay 'sellers', yes, Stripe does that. Please check Stripe COnnect, which is great for exactly what you are trying to do. Link: https://stripe.com/connect

This link shows specifically how to charge the user and keep some fees: https://stripe.com/docs/recipes/store-builder

If you follow all the documentation from Cashier, you are good to go. Link: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/billing