
I am playing mp3 files on the JW player but i am facing a strange problem. JW player is playing mp3 files having mime type "audio/mpeg" but it is failed to play mp3 files having mime type "audio/x-mpeg". It is such a strange problem for me because both files are mp3 JW player should play both.

I have also tried to convert mp3 file to mp3 file using ffmpeg in php but it is still producing mp3 file having mime type "audio/x-mpeg". exec(ffmpeg -i $input_file -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192k -f mp3 output.mp3)

one thing i need to mention that this file type is generating from ios app. I am stuck from 2 days in this issue. Your help would be really appreciated . Thanks

Show the complete log/console output from the ffmpeg command.llogan
why audio/x-mpeg mime type ?Hitesh
@LordNeckbeard I am executing ffmpeg command in php as i have posted it in the answer . I am not executing ffpmeg command on console.john
@Hitesh i am recording audio on ios app and its audio is generating in mp3 and its mime type is audio/x-mpeg . I have tried to convert this mp3 using ffmpeg but still it is generating mp3 having mime type audio/x-mpeg. I need mp3 file having mime type audio/mpeg to play in jw palyer. While when i record audio on the same apple device using browser this file is playing normally after converting from ffmpeg.john
Yes, that is obvious, but either way you are executing the ffmpeg binary and it will output useful info to stderr. You should provide this info.llogan

1 Answers


You need to keep the mp3 with supported mime type.

Jwplayer does not support audio/x-mpeg format. Check here


1) audio format for iOS and Android

2) What are the audio-format encoders that Android and iOS have in common?

Hope this helps