I am playing mp3 files on the JW player but i am facing a strange problem. JW player is playing mp3 files having mime type "audio/mpeg" but it is failed to play mp3 files having mime type "audio/x-mpeg". It is such a strange problem for me because both files are mp3 JW player should play both.
I have also tried to convert mp3 file to mp3 file using ffmpeg in php but it is still producing mp3 file having mime type "audio/x-mpeg". exec(ffmpeg -i $input_file -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -ab 192k -f mp3 output.mp3)
one thing i need to mention that this file type is generating from ios app. I am stuck from 2 days in this issue. Your help would be really appreciated . Thanks
command. – lloganaudio/x-mpeg
mime type ? – Hiteshffmpeg
binary and it will output useful info to stderr. You should provide this info. – llogan