I'm really trying to understand why two pieces of code don't produce identical models. To create the first neural network (NN1), I used (code below) cross validation in the train
function of the Caret package to find the best parameters. Page 2 of the package's vignette suggests that it will "Fit the final model to all the training data using the optimal parameter set".
So in the code below I expect NN1 to reflect the full training set with the best parameters which happen to be size=5 and decay=0.1.
My plan was to use the parameters from this step to create a model to put into production using the combined training and test data. Before I created this production model, I wanted to make sure I was using the output from the train
function properly.
So I created a second model (NN2) with with the train function but without tuning. Instead I specified the parameters size=5 and decay=0.1. With the same data, same parameters (and same seed), I expected identical models, but they are not. Why aren't these models identical?
# Create some data
xy<-data.frame(Response=factor(sample(c("Y","N"),534,replace = TRUE,prob=c(0.5,0.5))),
xyTrain <- xy[1:360,]
xyTest <- xy[361:534,]
# Create NN1 using cross-validation
tc <- trainControl(method="cv", number = 10, savePredictions = TRUE, classProbs = TRUE)
NN1 <- train(Response~.,data=xyTrain,
# Create NN2 using parameters from NN1
fitControl <- trainControl(method="none", classProbs = TRUE)
NN2 <- train(Response~.,data=xyTrain,
Here are the results
> # Parameters of NN1
> NN1$bestTune
size decay
1 1 0
> # Code to show results of NN1 and NN2 differ
> testFitted <- data.frame(fitNN1=NN1$finalModel$fitted.values,
+ fitNN2=NN2$finalModel$fitted.values)
> testPred<-data.frame(predNN1=predict(NN1,xyTest,type="prob")$Y,
+ predNN2=predict(NN2,xyTest,type="prob")$Y)
> # Fitted values are different
> head(testFitted)
fitNN1 fitNN2
X1 0.4824096 0.4834579
X2 0.4673498 0.4705441
X3 0.4509407 0.4498603
X4 0.4510129 0.4498710
X5 0.4690963 0.4753655
X6 0.4509160 0.4498539
> # Predictions on test set are different
> head(testPred)
predNN1 predNN2
1 0.4763952 0.4784981
2 0.4509160 0.4498539
3 0.5281298 0.5276355
4 0.4512930 0.4498993
5 0.4741959 0.4804776
6 0.4509335 0.4498589
> # Accuracy of predictions are different
> sum(predict(NN1,xyTest,type="raw")==xyTest$Response)/nrow(xyTest)
[1] 0.4655172
> sum(predict(NN2,xyTest,type="raw")==xyTest$Response)/nrow(xyTest)
[1] 0.4597701
> # Summary of models
> summary(NN1)
a 4-1-1 network with 7 weights
options were - entropy fitting
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1
-8.38 6.58 5.51 -9.50 1.06
b->o h1->o
-0.20 1.39
> summary(NN2)
a 4-1-1 network with 7 weights
options were - entropy fitting
b->h1 i1->h1 i2->h1 i3->h1 i4->h1
10.94 -8.27 -7.36 8.50 -0.76
b->o h1->o
3.15 -3.35