
When i run my jmx file having 1 user using command prompt it shows the response that run ends up and also give the average time etc.

But when i run same jmx with 5 users it does not show how many users are active and also does not give the result.

cmd stop after this line.

Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/Heapdump message on port 4445


1 Answers


By default JMeter's Summariser reports results in STDOUT each 30 seconds so probably you didn't wait long enough or your test finished earlier.

JMeter Summariser Default

If you need more frequent output you can amend summariser.interval property (i.e. to occur each 5 seconds) by passing -t via -J command-line argument like:

jmeter -Jsummariser.interval=5 -n -t test.jmx -l test.jtl

JMeter Summariser 5 seconds

To make the change permanent just add the next line to user.properties file:


See Configuring JMeter User Manual chapter for more details.