
Is there a way to change the current 5 minutes timeout limit for Azure Functions running under the Consumption plan ?

For some data analytics computations 5 minutes is not enough time.

The alternative of using webjobs doesn't allow parallel execution of the function.

Changed the answer to 10 min as this option was added to the servicedonquijote

3 Answers


(Other answer is a bit confusing, so writing instead of editing a lot)

Azure Functions can now run up to 10 minutes using the consumption plan by adding the functionTimeout setting to your host.json file:

In a serverless Consumption plan, the valid range is from 1 second to 10 minutes, and the default value is 5 minutes.

In both Premium and Dedicated (App Service) plans, there is no overall limit, and the default value is 30 minutes. A value of -1 indicates unbounded execution, but keeping a fixed upper bound is recommended

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-host-json#functiontimeout

File: host.json

// Value indicating the timeout duration for all functions.
// Set functionTimeout to 10 minutes
    "functionTimeout": "00:10:00"



Currently there's no way to have a function running for more than 5 minutes on Consumption plan. You can check the team's answer in here:

The reason we timeout at 5 minutes with the Dynamic plan is because under the Dynamic plan, the VM that is hosting your function will shut down (roughly) 5 minutes after the last trigger fired. Enforcing the timeout like we're doing today is a way to provide a consistent experience with logging that explains why the function stopped running. Before this, you would see functions simply disappear mid-invocation without any indication of why. We're evaluating improvements in this area and will update when we have more concrete details.

Long-running functions that cannot be decomposed down into smaller chunks will run into issues running in the Dynamic plan currently. However, there are often solutions for breaking down single long-running functions into smaller, quicker functions. For example, if you have a function that kicks off a long operation elsewhere, then polls for completion, could you get an 'operationId' from that operation, then put it in a Service Bus scheduled message (or even in a Queue message with an invisibility timeout), and have a second 'CheckStatus' function that reads those messages and polls for completion


and also https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Functions/issues/75


Azure Functions can now run up to 10 minutes using the consumption plan: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-host-json#functiontimeout


Here the complete host.json, recarding to the Microsoft Docs:

Don't forget to restart the Function to reload the Configuration!

      "version":"[2.*, 3.0.0)"
   "functionTimeout": "00:05:00"

Another trick is, only to define the required Az-Modules in requirements.psd1 and not all of them:


# This file enables modules to be automatically managed by the Functions service.
# See https://aka.ms/functionsmanageddependency for additional information.
    # For latest supported version, go to 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az'. 
    # To use the Az module in your function app, please uncomment the line below.
    'Az' = '6.*'


# This file enables modules to be automatically managed by the Functions service.
# See https://aka.ms/functionsmanageddependency for additional information.
    # For latest supported version, go to 'https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/Az'. 
    # To use the Az module in your function app, please uncomment the line below.
    # 'Az' = '6.*'
    'Az.Accounts'  = '2.*'
    'Az.Resources' = '4.*'
    'Az.Monitor'   = '2.*'