In an attempt to automate some of my work, I am beginning to learn basics of google scripts.
I have a spreadsheet in which I want to send an email notification when data is input into one column or another. There are also two tabs within this spreadsheet in which I would like this to occur.
The current result from the script is an email on the second 'sendnotification' function.
Question: How do I get the script to consider both functions?
I know this code can be condensed by likely using an IF fucntion in a better way but I am at a loss.
For some context: This is used in a manufacturing operation. The production is done by an offsite company and when they enter quantity into column 10 on either sheet, I want it to send a group of people an email that I work with. Similarly, when the product quality testing is done I want to be able to input into Column 12 and it send the offsite company an email.
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
//Get Active cell
var mycell = ss.getActiveSelection();
var cellcol = mycell.getColumn();
var cellrow = mycell.getRow();
//Define Notification Details
var recipients = "";
var subject = "Disc production was entered on the "+ss.getName();
var body = ss.getName() + " has been updated with an amount produced. Visit " + ss.getUrl() + " to view the quantities entered.";
//Check to see if column is A or B to trigger
if (cellcol == 10)
//Send the Email
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
//End sendNotification
function sendNotification() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
//Get Active cell
var mycell = ss.getActiveSelection();
var cellcol = mycell.getColumn();
var cellrow = mycell.getRow();
//Define Notification Details
var recipients = "";
var subject = "A lot of disc has been RELEASED by XYZ Company";
var body = ss.getName() + " has been updated with a lot of disc that were released by XYZ Company. Visit " + ss.getUrl() + " to view this updated information.";
//Check to see if column is A or B to trigger
if (cellcol == 12)
//Send the Email
MailApp.sendEmail(recipients, subject, body);
//End sendNotification
trigger? – Joshua Dawson