If i divide 1.0f/2.0f , the value is 0.5 .
I wanted to have a precision value of 5 (0.50000). Used BigDecimal to set the scale to 5 but still the value is printed as 0.5
BigDecimal val = new BigDecimal(1.0f/2.0f);
BigDecimal tt = val.setScale(5); System.out.println(tt.doubleValue);
How to set the scale and to make it 0.50000. I mean pad extra zero if the precision value is less than the scale
E.g in this case 1/2 is always 0.5 (precision is 1) and if i want a higher precision (say 5) , how do i achieve it
Please advise
You just convertedtt
back into a number without any particular formatting whatsoever. – Louis Wasserman