
I have some Azure Classic Storage accounts that are used only to store Blobs -- no Files, no Tables, and no Queues. From what I've read, it will be far more efficient and cost-effective for me to ensure that when I convert these to ARM, their "Account kind" is set to "Blob storage" and not "General purpose".

I recently converted a Classic Storage account successfully using this guide from Microsoft, but when I check its properties, its "Kind" is "Storage", which I take to mean "General Purpose". I also created a Storage account from scratch and specified its "Account kind" to be "Blob storage", and when I check that one's properties, "Kind" is "BlobStorage" (the goal).

I didn't see a way to specify what I want the resulting "Kind" to be when I performed that conversion in PowerShell, so I'm not certain that what I'm asking is even possible. Is there a way I can ensure that when I convert my Classic Storage account to the ARM architecture through PowerShell, it will be Blob Storage instead of General Purpose Storage?


1 Answers


Is there a way I can ensure that when I convert my Classic Storage account to the ARM architecture through PowerShell, it will be Blob Storage instead of General Purpose Storage?

As of today, it is not possible to convert a General Purpose Storage account to a Blob Storage account. You would need to copy the contents from one account to another yourself.

Things you can do today with a storage account:

  • For a storage account you can change the redundancy level between LRS, GRS and RAGRS. You can't change the redundancy level if the Storage account's redundancy type is ZRS or Premium LRS.
  • You can change the access tier between Hot and Cold.