a definition problem: major, minor axes differ from semi-major, semi-minor
the OP should be clear, those grabbing, comparing to online solutions should be too

you can get sympy to (numerically) solve the problem, I'm using the full axes definition
from sympy import *
a, b, w = symbols('a b w')
x = a/2 * cos(w)
y = b/2 * sin(w)
dx = diff(x, w)
dy = diff(y, w)
ds = sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)
def perimeter(majr, minr):
return Integral(ds.subs([(a,majr),(b,minr)]), (w, 0, 2*pi)).evalf().doit()
print('test1: a, b = 1 gives dia = 1 circle, perimeter/pi = ',
perimeter(1, 1)/pi.evalf())
print('test2: a, b = 4,6 ellipse perimeter = ', perimeter(4,6))
test1: a, b = 1 gives dia = 1 circle, perimeter/pi = 1.00000000000000
test2: a, b = 4,6 ellipse perimeter = 15.8654395892906
its also possible to export the symbolic ds equation as a function to try with other Python lib integration functions
func_dw = lambdify((w, a, b), ds)
from scipy import integrate
print(integrate.quad(func_dw, 0, 2*np.pi, args=(4, 6)))
(15.865439589290586, 2.23277254813499e-12)
scipy.integrate.quad(func, a, b, args=()...
y : float, The integral of func from a to b.
abserr : float, An estimate of the
absolute error in the result