I'm trying to call in a controller a very time-consuming Artisan command (it executes in 20-90 s ), but I have two problems. First of all it seems like the command does not execute at all (if I return the output it just returns "0").
Secondly the other part (returning the file) does not wait for the command to execute (but it can be related to the first part). Here's my code:
public function returnZip()
// just a failsafe, in case if scheduled command did not created the file yet
if( ! file_exists( storage_path( '/app/exports/' . date('Y_m_d') . '.zip' ) ) ){
return response()->file( storage_path( '/app/exports/' . date('Y_m_d') . '.zip' ) );
How can I properly execute the Artisan command from route/controller and wait for it to finish it's task?
I tried to debug this problem a little more and found out that the command is not being executed at all when called from a route/controller.
Tried this:
Route::get('/test', function(){
return ['ok'];
And my command is supposed to create a file:
public function handle()
exec('touch /some/path/storage/app/exports/test');
When I run this command in terminal, the file is being created, but when I hit the route, it isn't. Any ideas?