Trying to solve Cryptopals Challenge 10 where have to CBC decrypt a text file against "YELLOW SUBMARINE" with an IV of all ASCII 0 (\x00\x00\x00 &c). Link to the text file is following:
I have followed the algorithm CBC uses by taking cipher text, decrypting(using ECB decryption) and then taking xor with Initialization Vector for first block and ciphertext(i-1) for subsequent blocks. However for some not-understandable reason I am not getting a readable decryption. I just see some weird characters when I print after decryption:
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
iv = "%00%00%00"*32
iv = iv.replace('%',r'\x')
#XOR-ing function
def xor_strings(a, b):
return "".join(chr(ord(a1) ^ ord(b1)) for a1, b1 in zip(a, b))
#Taking input file and converting it into a single string
file = open('10.txt','r')
data =
block = 128
obj =, AES.MODE_ECB)
def split_len(string, size):
return [string[i:i+size] for i in range(0, len(string), size)]
mylist = split_len(data,block)
decrypted = ""
for i in range (0,len(mylist)):
mystr = obj.decrypt(mylist[i])
if (i==0):
decrypted = decrypted + xor_strings(mystr,iv)
decrypted = decrypted + xor_strings(mystr, mylist[i-1])
print decrypted
What might be the problem here ?