I would suggest the following structure for your events table:
- user id -- hash key
- event date/time (timestamp with milliseconds) -- range key
- duration
Having event timestamp as a range key should be sufficient to provide uniqueness for an event (unless a user can have multiple events right in the same millisecond), so you don't need a sequence number.
Having such a schema, you can get all events for a user for a date by using simple query.
Unfortunately, DynamoDB do not support aggregate queries, so you can't get a total number of events for a user quickly (you would have to query all records and calculate total manually).
So I would suggest creating a separate table for user events statistics like this:
- user id -- hash key
- date -- range key
- events_cnt (total number of events for a user for a date)
So, after you add a new record into your events table, you have to increment events counter for the user in statistics table like shown below:
var dynamodbDoc = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
var params = {
TableName : "user_events_stats",
Key: {
userId: "65716110-f4df-11e6-bc64-92361f002671" ,
date: "2017-02-17",
UpdateExpression: "SET #events_cnt = if_not_exists(#events_cnt, :zero) + :one",
ExpressionAttributeNames: {
"#events_cnt": "events_cnt",
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
":one": 1,
":zero": 0,
dynamodbDoc.update(params, function(err, data) {