I planned to implement a Storage Commitment Service to verify if files previously sent to the storage were safely stored.
My architecture is very simple and straightforward my SCU sends some secondary capture images to the storage and I want to be sure they are safely stored before delete them.
I am going to adopt push model and I wonder what steps/features I need to implement to accomplish the service
What I understood is
- I need to issue a N-ACTION request with SOP Class UID 1.2.840.10008.1.20.1 and add to the request a transaction identifier together with a list of Referenced SOP Class UID – Referenced SOP Instance UID where Referenced SOP Instance UID are the UIDs of the secondary capture images I previously sent to the storage and Referenced SOP Class UID in my case is the soap class identifier representing the Secondary Capture Image
- Wait for my N-ACTION response to see if the N-ACTION request succeed or not
Get the response from the storage in form of N-EVENT-REPORT
But when? How the storage give me back the N-EVENT-REPORT along with the results? Does my SCP AE implements some SCP features? Or I need to issue a N-EVENT request to get a N-EVENT-REPORT?