I am not sure why I am getting a "404 Not Found" on the following GET call to my api (using PostMan)
The method in the Controller is as follows
public string SomeStuff(int s)
return "Received input !";
The Register method in the WebApiConfig class has the only route as follows :
name: "DefaultApi",
routeTemplate: "api/v1/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
But when I change the code to
public string SomeStuff()
return "Received input !";
The call http://localhost:53840/api/v1/LogMessage/SomeStuff works and POSTMAN displays the "Recieved input !" string in the response body.
Is there a specific calling convention for passing in int/string etc. (I tried using a [FromUri] without much success) ? I have another POST method in the controlled which takes a JObject and that seems to be working perfectly fine.