What about using a search engine?
Each accessible database must be enabled to support the Domino® Data Service.
Tags: Enabling Domino Data Service on a database
To be able access a database with the Domino Data Service, each accessible database must be enabled to support the service.
Note: Remember to also make sure that the Data Service or any other service that you wish to access is first enabled on your server. The Core service is always enabled. Unlike the other services, the administrator does not have to intentionally enable the Core service. As long as the HTTP task is loaded, the Core service is available.
In Domino Designer or Notes®, do the following for each accessible database:
Open the database properties.
Click on the Advanced tab.
For Allow Domino Data Service, select either:
Views only to restrict access to views
Views and documents for full access
In Domino Designer, do the following for each accessible view:
Open the view properties.
Click on the Advanced tab.
Check Allow Domino Data Service operations.
Attempting to access a database that is not enabled typically returns error code 403 The Domino data service is not enabled for this database.
Attempting to access a view that is not enabled typically returns error code 403 The Domino data service is not enabled for this view.