I have a method that do some work asynchronously with use of observable. I would like to know what is the best way to make this method async, so that I will be able to await on it and do some work after observable completes.
My first try was to use await on observable.
public async Task DoWorkAsync()
var observable = Observable.Create<int>(o =>
Task.Run(() =>
o.OnError(new Exception("exception in observable logic"));
return Disposable.Empty;
//observable = observable.Publish().RefCount();
observable.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine(i));
await observable;
Console.WriteLine("After Awaiting...");
Depending on the scenario I had different issues with that approach (+/- means that this part of code is uncommented/commented):
+OnNext +OnCompleted -OnError -RefCount: OnNext was invoked 2 times (observable was subscribed 2 times). This is what I would like to avoid.
+OnNext +OnCompleted -OnError +RefCount: When I use RefCount() method the code works.
-OnNext +OnCompleted -OnError +RefCount: "Sequence contains no element" exception is thrown when my observable doesn't raise OnNext.
+OnNext -OnCompleted +OnError -RefCount: OnNext was invoked 2 times. Exception raised.
+OnNext -OnCompleted +OnError +RefCount: Hangs after displaying 1 (probably because it wants to return to thread that is awaited). We can make it work (and raise exception) by using SubscribeOn(ThreadPoolScheduler.Instance)
Anyway in case when observable is empty (no OnNext rised) we get exception even if OnError is not called and we don't have any exception inside observable logic. Thats why awaiting on observable is not good solution.
That is why I tried another solution using TaskCompletionSource
public async Task DoWorkAsync()
var observable = Observable.Create<int>(o =>
Task.Run(() =>
o.OnError(new Exception("exception in observable logic"));
return Disposable.Empty;
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
observable.Subscribe(i => Console.WriteLine(i),
e =>
() => tcs.TrySetResult(true));
await tcs.Task;
Console.WriteLine("After Awaiting...");
It works ok in all scenarios and in case of OnError is invoked we could either use tcs.SetResult(false) and don't have information about exception details in outside method or we could use tcs.TrySetException(e) and be able to catch the exception in the outside method.
Can you suggest me if there is some better/cleaner solution or my second solution is the way to go?
So I would like to know if there is a better solution than my second solution that will:
- not require to use .Publish().RefCount()
- not require additional subscription (what happens in await observable under the hood - OnNext is invoked 2 times)
- Of course I could wrap my solution in some async extension method for subscribing that returns Task
return Disposable.Empty
then you are doing something wrong. – EnigmativitySubject<T>
in theObservable.Create<T>
and then do{ var subject = new Subject<T>(); var subscription = subject.Subscribe(o); /* your code */ return subscription;
. – Enigmativity.Observable.Create
you are causing the observable to run synchronously and thus can cause many of the observable operators to not behave as expected. To avoid this the rule should be that returningDisposable.Empty
is bad. – Enigmativity