I've been trying to get a subgraph based on a node query. The query should ignore the relationship directions as long as all of the nodes in the subgraph are connected: ex: u1 -FRIEND-> u2 -FRIEND-> u3 u4 -FRIEND-> u5 -FRIEND-> u6
searching for u1 or u2 or u3, should return a set of: [u1,u2,u3]
I used the following Cypher query:
MATCH (a:User)-[:FRIEND_OF*0..]-(b)
WHERE a.userId = 'some_id'
WITH a, collect(DISTINCT b) AS sets
The problem is that I'm getting all of the set's permutations like:
DATA: u1 -FRIEND-> u2 -FRIEND-> u3
RETURN: [u1,u2,u3],[u1,u3,u2],[u2,u1,u3]...
how can I distinct the different sets to return only one permutation?
I also would like to support a case a user can be in different subgraphs so the response should be couple of subgraphs.