Searching for an alternative as OpenCV would not provide timestamps for live camera stream (on Windows), which are required in my computer vision algorithm, I found ffmpeg and this excellent article The solution uses ffmpeg, accessing its standard output (stdout) stream. I extended it to read the standard error (stderr) stream as well.
Working up the python code on windows, while I received the video frames from ffmpeg stdout, but the stderr freezes after delivering the showinfo videofilter details (timestamp) for first frame.
I recollected seeing on ffmpeg forum somewhere that the video filters like showinfo are bypassed when redirected. Is this why the following code does not work as expected?
Expected: It should write video frames to disk as well as print timestamp details.
Actual: It writes video files but does not get the timestamp (showinfo) details.
Here's the code I tried:
import subprocess as sp
import numpy
import cv2
command = [ 'ffmpeg',
'-i', 'e:\sample.wmv',
'-pix_fmt', 'rgb24',
'-vcodec', 'rawvideo',
'-vf', 'showinfo', # video filter - showinfo will provide frame timestamps
'-an','-sn', #-an, -sn disables audio and sub-title processing respectively
'-f', 'image2pipe', '-'] # we need to output to a pipe
pipe = sp.Popen(command, stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE) # TODO someone on ffmpeg forum said video filters (e.g. showinfo) are bypassed when stdout is redirected to pipes???
for i in range(10):
raw_image =*720*3)
img_info = # 244 characters is the current output of showinfo video filter
print "showinfo output", img_info
image1 = numpy.fromstring(raw_image, dtype='uint8')
image2 = image1.reshape((720,1280,3))
# write video frame to file just to verify
videoFrameName = 'Video_Frame{0}.png'.format(i)
# throw away the data in the pipe's buffer.
So how to still get the frame timestamps from ffmpeg into python code so that it can be used in my computer vision algorithm...
E:\> ffmpeg -i "e:\sample.wmv" -an -sn -vf showinfo -f avi - 2>error.txt | ffplay -
– vijiboy