
I've created a SSRS report to examine whether certain fields contain a specific value using a simple case, when statement with the values returned being 'Yes' or 'No'. I'd like the cells to be coloured yellow with the value is a 'Yes'. (See Sample Table).

I know I can do this using the function IIF(Fields!Result1.Value="Yes","Yellow","Transparent") but for a table with multiple columns (>60), is there a way to copy the background colour formatting without having to write the function for each column?


1 Answers


If you want to compare the value of each text box/cell with "YES" then you can use the ME.Value reference. There is little documentation on ME (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd255285.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396)

=IIF(ME.Value = "Yes", "Yellow", "Transparent")

To access the value of the current text box, you can use the Visual Basic built-in global Me.Value or simply Value. In report functions such as First and aggregate functions, use the fully qualified syntax.

Unfortunately, ME does not seem to be fully implemented - it causes errors when used in places that were not created to use ME correctly. An ACTION (i.e. Go To URL) that uses ME will fail with an error of an unknown reference.