I'm experiencing problems with the Jasmine (ver. 2.4) JavaScript testing framework.
I'm creating a course on udemy.com, but the online checker won't accept the last part of my code, where I'm using the "expect(variable).toBe(true);" function of Jasmine.
describe('A div with class', function() {
var parent = document.getElementsByClassName('media')[0];
it('"media" should exist.', function() {
var child = document.getElementsByClassName('media-body')[0];
it('"media-body" should exist.', function() {
describe('A div with class "media"', function() {
var parent = document.getElementsByClassName('media')[0];
var child = document.getElementsByClassName('media-body')[0];
var answer;
if (parent.firstChild == child) {
answer = true;
} else {
answer = false;
it('should have a div with class "media-body" as its child.', function() {
My test output from the udemy.com page is:
"A div with class "media" should have a div with class "media-body" as its child.
Expected false to be true"
My updated code which now works very well:
describe('A div with the class', function() {
var class1 = 'media';
var failClass1 = '"' + class1 + '"' + ' should exist.'
var class2 = 'media-body';
var failClass2 = '"' + class2 + '"' + ' should exist.'
var element1 = null;
var element2 = null;
var relationship1_2 = null;
var failRelationship = '"' + class2 + '"' + ' should be nested in a div with the class "' + class1 + '".'
beforeEach(function() {
element1 = document.getElementsByClassName(class1)[0];
element2 = document.getElementsByClassName(class2)[0];
relationship1_2 = element1.contains(element2);
it(failClass1, function() {
it(failClass2, function() {
it(failRelationship, function() {
expect(parent.firstChild === child).toBe(true);
and save yourself 6 lines of code. – Omri Aharon