My Shiny App has multiple inputs that depend on the number of variables used. A simplified version, though not working, is below. I was able to get the UI to update based upon the numericInput using a function called Make.UI which I used to make uiOutput, but getting the inputs back into the server is beyond my Shiny skill set! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
D = matrix(runif(400), nrow = 20)
colnames(D) = labs = sapply(1:20, function(i) {paste0("col",i)})
# Define UI for application that summarises data
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
# Select columns to get fed into summary
tabPanel("Matching Variables Info",
numericInput("NoVars","No. of variables to summarize",
value = 3, min = 2, max = dim(D)[2]),
# Show summaries of columns choosen above
# Define the server code
server <- function(input, output){
Make.UI <- function(NoV){
C = sapply(1:NoV, function(i){paste0("cols",i)})
L = sapply(1:NoV, function(i){paste0("label",i)})
output = tagList()
for(i in seq_along(1:NoV)){
output[[i]] = tagList()
output[[i]][[1]] = selectInput(C[i], "Variable to summarize:", labs)
output[[i]][[2]] = textInput(L[i], label = "Label for variable:",
value = "Label for variable Here")
} ## for loop
} # closes Make.UI function
K <- reactive({
output$VarsInput <- renderUI({
output$dataInfo <- renderPrint({
C <- sapply(1:K(), function(i) {input[[paste0("cols",i)]]})
## the code in the line above doesn't work
summary(D[, C()])
# Return a Shiny app object
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
outside your server function. It does not have the output variable available does it? You would have to use shiny module for that. Moreover, if you want to return mutliple inputs from a renderUI you should use atagList()
. To your final question on how to use the renderUI generated input, is simply by the id you assign them within the server. Should work as soon as you talk the remarks above into account. – Tonio Liebrandoutput
is not the shiny output but you define it yourself, seems like I was a bit tired. Well then I would try to useoutput=tagList()
instead. By the way the code is not completely reproducible, because u didnt provide whatl.cols
is. Therefore, I answer in a more generic way. Hope it helps anyway. – Tonio Liebrand