I'm writing a fact for Puppet in Ruby. I have an array
array = [[["User", "Username"], ["Date", "16.12.2014"]], [["User1", "Username1"], ["Date1", "17.12.2014"]]]
I want to convert it to json. I tried to convert it to hash first, but doing like this in Linux
array.each do |userarr|
winusers = Hash[userarr.map! { |pair| [pair[0], pair[1]] } ]
I get only the this one [["User1", "Username1"], ["Date1", "17.12.2014"]]
pair converted. Doing like this:
array.each do |userarr|
winusers = Hash[userarr.map! { |pair| [pair[0], pair[1]] } ]
winusersa << winusers
I get an array of hashes. Coverting it to json winusersa.to_json
on Linux I get an array of json format text, on Puppet (facter in fact) I get only the first pair converted. Why in Puppet fact it doesn't work? How to convert that array to get all pairs well formated?