
I am trying to do crosswalk integration but it does not work.

I have done:

1-) Created Cordova project(Typecript)

2-) Add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview

3-) Buil Android device

4-) debug Ripple Nexus S

navigator.UserAgent : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.2; en-us; 
Nexus S Build/GRH78C) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0
Mobile Safari/533.1
and apk size: 400 kb

What I do wrong?

Good day. thanks.

Did you try on device ?Nazır Dogan
yes. I installed Android 4.4 , Android 4.2 real device and visual studio smulator but the result is the same.suleyman yalçın
I need to copy source files for embedded? Copying files for older versions of crosswalksuleyman yalçın

1 Answers



C:\a\a\platforms\android\cordova clean.bat run

Final state: 1-) Create Cordova project 2-) Build Device 3-) run C:\a\a\platforms\android\cordova clean.bat 4-) add Add cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview 5-) Build device