I am trying to implement the Undo/Redo functionality for the nodes of a tree in C# (treeView component). I have used the memento pattern but I am having trouble with the Redo part. I cannot see where my logic is flawed. Here are some snaps of the code
private List<Memento> _mementoStateList= new List<Memento>();
private List<Memento> _undoStateList= new List<Memento>();
public Memento Memento { get{return null;}
set{_mementoStateList.Add(value);} }
public Memento Undo()
if (!_mementoStateList.Any()) return null;
Memento m = _mementoStateList.Last();
return m;
public Memento Redo()
if (!_undoStateList.Any()) return null;
Memento m = _undoStateList.Last();
return m;
In my form, before deleting a node I am calling the SaveMemento() method which creates a new Memento object representing the current state. The object is added to the _mementoStateList.
When Undo-ing and Redo-ing an action, I call the above Undo() and Redo() method.
I assume I am not saving the states in the right moment? Any input is highly appreciated!