
I've created a custom dashboard(javascript @ localhost) which has about 10 views that are generated with Google analytics API and Google Charts .

Now that I've been debugging it for a while day or two it has started to return error "Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded." .

From google console it shows only 1,416 queries for the past 4 days. And yet, the quota states following:

Queries per day 50,000
Queries per 100 seconds per user 100
Queries per 100 seconds 2,000

Am I perhaps using some other Google API that has a lot smaller quota limits? However, I couldn't find any other API from google console.


2 Answers


Well, with correct keywords it was easy to find. https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v3/errors

One can change upgrade the limit to 1000 queries per 100 second per user.

  1. Go to Google Developer's Console
  2. Dashboard > Under API column, Click on "Analytics API"
  3. "Quotas" tab > Change "Queries per 100 seconds per user"

    from 100 to 1000

src: How to fix "Quota Error: User Rate Limit Exceeded"