
I am using outlook rest api v2 (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/api-catalog)

What is the maximum URL length which is 'safe' for a get request. In my case i would like to request the messages from a group of several conversations. I came up with a request looking something like this (assume conversation IDs are different):

https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/mailfolders/inbox/messages?$filter=ConversationId eq 'AAQkADNjZDVkNTljLTMwNmEtNDM1Yi1iZjgyLTAwNTgzYzBmNDc4NQAQAA6kWdKUPhNGknn6sPucTnE=' or ConversationId eq 'AAQkADNjZDVkNTljLTMwNmEtNDM1Yi1iZjgyLTAwNTgzYzBmNDc4NQAQAA6kWdKUPhNGknn6sPucTnE=' or ConversationId eq 'AAQkADNjZDVkNTljLTMwNmEtNDM1Yi1iZjgyLTAwNTgzYzBmNDc4NQAQAA6kWdKUPhNGknn6sPucTnE='

I was wondering how many of those 'or' clauses can i safely join in one request. Are there any limitations in Outlook API aside from the 'standard' URL length limitations?

It looks like ODATA 'or' requests are limited to 10 items.Benoit Patra
Retrieving mail "by conversation" is a requested feature on uservoice. Consider upvoting officespdev.uservoice.com/forums/…Benoit Patra

1 Answers


You should rather use $batch (documented here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/office365/api/batch-outlook-rest-requests).

Put each filter in its own query. I believe you can make up to 20 requests.