
I am pretty new to PowerBI and I am trying to calculate a rolling "Monthly On-Time Delivery" calculated column.

enter image description here

enter image description here

ERROR IMAGE enter image description here

ADDED DAILY SHIPMENT COUNT (Disregard the incorrect MTD Shipment Count title) enter image description here

Each row represents a single day in the Matrix

For each day I want to get the MonthShippedTotal / (MonthShippedTotal-MonthPastDue), this should give me my rolling on time delivery percentage.

This is what I have so far but the results are way off:

> MonthlyOTD =  VAR RowDate = opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] RETURN
>         DIVIDE((COUNT(opr_shipments[CREATE_TIMESTAMP])-COUNTAX(opr_shipments,opr_shipments[PAST_DUE]="1")),COUNT(opr_shipments[CREATE_TIMESTAMP]),0),
>         FILTER (
>             opr_shipments,
>             opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] <= RowDate
>                 && MONTH ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = MONTH ( RowDate ) && YEAR ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = YEAR ( RowDate )
>         )
>     )

MTD Shipments Calc:

MTD Shipments = 
VAR RowDate = opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE]
        SUM ( opr_shipments[Daily Shipments] ),
        FILTER (
            opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] <= RowDate
                && MONTH ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = MONTH ( RowDate ) && YEAR ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = YEAR ( RowDate )

Past Due Total Calc:

PastDueTotal = 
VAR RowDate = opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE]
        SUM(opr_shipments[Daily Shipments]),
        FILTER (
            opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] <= RowDate
                && DAY ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = DAY ( RowDate ) && opr_shipments[PAST_DUE] = "1"

For each month this calc would start over.

My desired output is: Jan 1 | 98% Jan 2 | 98.3% Jan 3 | 95% ... Jan 31 | 94.5% Feb 1 | 100%

What is the structure of your tables? how are being calculated MTD Shipments and Past Due Total measures?alejandro zuleta
Alejandro, I updated my question up above.xXPhenom22Xx
Is the Past Due Total MTD too? note you are specifying an additional condition in the filter PAST_DUE = 1alejandro zuleta
The Past Due Total is a daily count or total of the number of line items that were past due (i.e. WHERE PAST_DUE=1)xXPhenom22Xx
So for Jan 15 for example I want to count all of the past due items from Jan1-Jan15 and then get the on time %xXPhenom22Xx

1 Answers


I think something like this could work for the MonthlyOTD calculated column.

MonthlyOTD =
VAR RowDate = opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE]
    SUMX (
        FILTER (
            [SHIP_DATE] <= RowDate
                && MONTH ( [SHIP_DATE] ) = MONTH ( RowDate )
                && YEAR ( opr_shipments[SHIP_DATE] ) = YEAR ( RowDate )
        DIVIDE ( [MTD Shipments], [MTD Shipments] - [PastDueTotal] )

I'd create those calculations as measures instead of calculated columns, note measures can be calculated in any context and are affected by filters which usually is desired.

UPDATE: It seems OP doesn't require a monthly cumulative total so the final expression was:

MonthlyOTD = DIVIDE ( ([MTD Shipment Count] - [Lines]), [MTD Shipment Count] )