This is a continuation of the question from Here-How to find angle formed by the blades of a wind turbine with respect to a horizontal imaginary axis?
I've decided to use the following methodology for this- Getting a frame from a camera and putting it in a loop. Performing Canny edge detection. Perform HoughLinesP to detect lines in the image. Finding Blade Angle: Perform Probabilistic Hough Lines Transform on the image. Restrict the blade lines to the length of the blades, as known already. The returned value will have the start and end points of the lines detected. Since there are no background noises, this gives the starting and end point of the blade lines and the image will have the blade lines. Now, find the dot product with a vector (1,0) by finding the vectors of the blade lines detected or we can use atan2 to find the relative angle of all the points detected with respect to a horizontal.
Problem: When the yaw angle of the turbine is changed and it is not directly facing the camera, how do I calculate the blade angle formed? The idea is to basically map the angles when rotated back into the form when viewed head on. From what I've been able to understand, I thought I'd find the homography matrix, decompose the matrix to get rotation, convert to Euler angles to calculate shift from the original axis, then shift all the axes with that angle. However, it's just a vague idea with no concrete planning to go upon. Or I begin with trying to find the projection matrix, then get camera matrix and rotation matrix? I am lost on this account completely and feel overwhelmed with the many functions...
Other things I came across was the perspective transform,solvepnp..
It would be great if anyone could suggest another way to deal with this? Any links of code snippets would be helpful. I'm not that familiar with OpenCV and would be grateful for any help.
[Edit by Spektre]