I have a a bit manipulation method which multiplies a number toward five eighths and if there is a remainder rounds toward 0. The method works, and I understand almost all of it. When I was reviewing it, however, I realized I'm not certain how anding 7 (00000111) accounts for rounding error, in which it would round toward a more negative number instead of 0, and I need to understand why that line works. As far as I can see, shifting multiplyByFive 31 bits to the right will just check the sign of the variable and yield all ones if negative, so anding it with 7 will either yield all zeroes if positive, or y in binary if negative. If my understanding is correct, why does adding that to multiplyFiveEighths and dividing the sum by 8 round a negative number down, without error.
int multFiveEights(int x) {
break it down into multiplying by 5 and then dividing by 8 shifting it two to the left multiplies it by four, plus x makes it by 5
int multiplyByFive = (x << 2) + x;
if the result is negative, and 2^3 - 1 = 7 before right shift
int addNumber = 7 & (multiplyByFive >> 31);
11111111 (if you right shift by 31 when negative you get all 1s)
will return all 0s if positive and 1 in the LSB if negative
adding 7 to multiplyByFive accounts for error
if its negative it will try to round down which goes toward the more negative number, so anding it with 7 accounts for this error/ tests for a remainder
int fiveEigths = (multiplyByFive + addNumber) >> 3;
return fiveEigths;
is positive, then do you understand whyx/8
rounds down but(x+7)/8
rounds up? – user253751