
Using the IBM Watson Speech-to-Text add-on for Twilio it makes me configure a callback url in the add-on configure tab. Now my issue is how do I get this to only affect ONE phone number? or a specific TwiML? I cannot have all going through the add-on.


phone number 1 -> goes to some other webhook

phone number 2 -> uses TwiML bin with <Record> // I want this one to be transcribed by the IBM add-on

Should I rather have #2 hit a webhook which uses the IBM SDK and returns a record response? (if such a thing exists)


1 Answers


Twilio developer evangelist here.

I'm afraid Add-ons currently work on all your numbers on an account level right now. Can I suggest a work around that you start a subaccount and enable the Add-on for just the subaccount. Then move your number that you want to use for recording and transcribing to that subaccount.