I'm working within MS Access 2013 on Windows 10 and I'm simply trying to write a Sub that opens an Excel file on disk, changes the column formatting and some columns, saves and quits. The Sub runs and does as intended, but the problem is that even after the .Quit command, "EXCEL.EXE" keeps running and subsequent calls to that Sub will result in run-time errors. If I close Access after running the sub, "EXCEL.EXE" disappears on the Task Manager, but not if I do "Compact and Repair" the database.
I've done one other Sub that simply opens an Excel file on disk and alters te width of all columns to "auto-width", then closes, which works fine and doesn't leave "EXCEL.EXE" running.
What am I doing wrong? Is it possible in VBA to make sure that "EXCEL.EXE" correctly quits?
I tried a lot of different line order on Dims and Sets to Nothing, Workbook Closes, etc etc. Also, I searched here and on other sites on how to solve this, but after 2h the only suggestions I've seen for VBA is using something like ThisWorkbook.Saved = True, but I tried that before and after .Quit to no effect. Other than that, I only find solutions for VB.NET or other environments that I'm not using and now next to nothing of.
Thanks for reading this.
Code follows:
Sub changeXLcolumnFormatting()
Dim XL As Object
Set XL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XL.Visible = False
XL.DisplayAlerts = False
XL.Workbooks.Open "C:\Users\640344\Desktop\rawDataTest.XLSX"
Dim sht As Worksheet
With XL
Set sht = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
field_names = Split("datasistema|Data de Registo|Data Registo CMVM", "|")
end_of_table = sht.UsedRange.Columns.Count
For j = 0 To UBound(field_names)
For i = 1 To end_of_table
Set rng = sht.Cells(1, i)
If InStr(rng.Text, field_names(j)) > 0 Then
sht.Columns(i).NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss"
End If
Next i
Next j
End With
Set rng = Nothing
Set sht = Nothing
XL.ActiveWorkbook.Close (True)
Set XL = Nothing
End Sub
running? – VityataApplication.Quit
in stead ofXL.Quit
just to see how it would work. – Vityata